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Use of Cookies (“Cookie”)

It is used on the Site in order for the Data Owners to benefit from the Site in the most efficient way and to improve the user experience. If you do not prefer the use of cookies, you can delete or block cookies from your browser’s settings. However, we would like to remind you that it may affect your use of the Site. Unless you change your Cookie settings from your browser, we will assume that you accept the use of cookies on this Site.

What is a cookie and why is it used?
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device or network server via browsers by the websites you visit. For more detailed information on cookies, you can visit and

The main purposes of using cookies on our website are listed below:

– To improve the services offered to you by increasing the functionality and performance of the website,

– To improve the Website and to offer new features on the Website and to customize the features offered according to your preferences,

– To ensure the legal and commercial security of the Website, you and our Company.

Therefore, when you visit or use our site, you accept Cookies.

Camera and Broadcast Legal Rights

All the Cameras on our site are shared as quotations. The contents are the contents that are shared on the internet and are open. Therefore, if there is a copyright in the broadcast or if there is a broadcaster right in the cameras or mobeses that we offer by the legal right holder, they will be removed from the website if we are notified immediately.